A Closer Look @ The Love of Money – Part 6

1. The Love of money or of what money can do can be traced to those adventures or enlightenment that our soul once fetched from any knowledge that has been influenced by one form of lust or another; or from any hope that can be traced to this world; to the fruit that Adam once ate of (Tit. 3:3, Gen. 3:6). The Faith in Christ provides our first escape from it, but it takes the Love of God to perfect our immunity from it (2Pet. 1:4, Jude vs. 21, 1Jn. 4:17-18).

2. A believer who has journeyed through the faith in Christ to a place where he has peace with God is a man of God with a formation called Christ that should still flee from the tendency to love money. He must take his portion in all things everlasting to do this; lest he slips back into the corruption of this world that he previously escaped (1Pet. 5:1, 1Tim. 6:11-12, 2Pet. 1:3-4).

3. A believer who has acquired a nature in Christ that helps him to delight in the act and art of selflessly giving his time and resources to another, and to a cause that furthers the gospel, is more saved in his soul than a believer who struggles to naturally do so (1Cor. 13:5; Philip. 2:4/20-21).

4. The restless life or system that sees generations of men wake up to the thought of how to make more money rather than wake up thinking about God was created by the god of this world to make men quietly worship money (Matt 6:24). A believer, who goes to heaven without overcoming that order or design of life, has actually been overcome by it (Rom. 14:17-18, 1Cor 15:50).

5. The monetary system not only came after the fall of Man – but it has since been used to create a life or civilization that empowers carnal and evil men (Gen 6:3,5; Philip. 3:18-20) – a life that thrives on the absence of faith (Rom 14:23); a fallen everlasting order of life that elevates living by sight above living by the faith and love in Christ Jesus (2Cor 5:7).

6. God blesses His children materially; in His way and at His time, and with due recourse to His plan to save our souls or give us true/heavenly riches. But men would rather hustle for money or material blessings outside this, and as long as the Lord can’t deal with this lustful nature or tendency in us, the world keeps rubbing us of our inheritance in Christ and in God – like it has with many other generations (Matt. 6:33, Lk. 12:33, Eph. 5:3).

7. The love of money or the quiet love of what it can do can be expressed in worldly ways through anyone who isn’t in possession of the gospel of Christ, or in a more evil manner through those who either disagree with the gospel, or who want to make it (or make a name for themselves) by all means (1Tim. 6:9-10, 1Jn. 2:15-16, Gen. 11:4)

8. A believer, whose long- and short-term plans or visions of the future are inspired or patterned after the things that mammon has arranged and projects as life, is one who is yet to be free from the love of money or of what money can do (Matt. 6:24-26, Lk. 12:15-22). His freedom lies in the definition of life that is firstly found in Christ and then in the Father, and his reward for finding and keeping these twin expressions of life, is a reward called God (Eph. 4:18-20, Col. 2:2).

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